About Bruxpat

Hi and Welcome to Bruxpat! My name is P and I decided to create this blog to celebrate the capital of Europe and its expats. 

I arrived in Brussels in 2006, I was in my mid-20s, landed in one of the very many EU buildings until I realized that as much as I loved Europe and as much as my College of Europe professors had well brainwashed me....I wanted to do something else. What else exactly, that was a mystery...

It took me a while to find my-little-self. I changed apartments, moved from one commune to another, switched jobs, failed to move to Africa, started a sewing class, traveled the world, enrolled in yet another master program and got almost married, until I was hit by the "Sudden Change Syndrome" - also known as the 30s Life Crisis. 

How does it feel? 
(To be on your own, 
With no direction home, 
Like a complete unknown, 
Like a rolling stone?)

For the record, it feels good (now)! So who am I? I am European, feminist and optimistic.  I spend most of my time doing what I love to do - sharing the beauty of my everyday life with my better half (also called routine, not so nice word for a nice thing uh?), coordinating a network of civil society organizations working in development cooperation, fantasizing about writing a novel with a friend and giving birth to my own company.

Bruxpat is my new pilot project. It occurred to me that I unexpectedly fell in love with the city and its expat community. Whatever people might say, Brussels rocks. I realized that there are a couple of things I want to say and share and that I might not be the only one out there. 

Hence, Bruxpat starts as P's blog, but wishes to become -one day soon- a platform open to everyone who wants to share her/his thoughts, give some hints, gossip around and much more....

For the time being I have three friends guest blogging on a (more or less) regular basis. They are The Chained Servant, John Drink Doe and LaFritte and you will learn more about them one post at time! 

Happy reading and looking forward to hearing from you!

Flyer by Bruxpat